Friday, October 28, 2016

The Book of Job

The Book of Job is different from other stories in the Old Testament that I have read in many ways. In the beginning, Satan gives Job a test that makes him suffer painfully. In the story of Abraham, God was testing his loyalty and it was his choice. In the story of Job, he only did it as a bet with Satan. Satan takes away all of Job's belongings and makes him suffer from pain with sores all over his body. It's the worst thing I've ever ever from the Old Testament. After Job's torturing is done, God rewards him. In the story of Abraham, God takes away his son to test his loyalty. In the Book of Job, God takes everything away from Job. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Taoist texts

Taoist texts can help deepen our understanding of early Chinese history by allowing us to understand their culture and lifestyle during that period. Many people think that Taoism is going with the flow and not going against the flow.  Taoist priests teach a set of rules and mortality. I learned that the early history of Taoism was different and it was a theocracy based on celestial matters. The celestial matter was supposed to make a new political establishment called the great peace that every person would be treated right.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Is our world real?

I recently read the article Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? in class today.  It talked about how we are just characters in some giant computer game and we wouldn't know it. The idea is the universe is a simulation. I find this theory to be interesting because I have never thought to myself before , "Am I just a character in a video game and someone else is controlling it?" I don't believe in this theory because I believe that nature controls us. I believe that our world is real because we live in a physical world and I do really exist.